
Pet Adoption Form

Pet Adoption form
What type of pet are you looking for?
What gender are you looking for?
Type of cat
Do you understand that if you're adopting a cat, it may take a couple months to get used to your present companion animals?
Any children in the household?
For whom are you adopting the pet?
Does any member of the family have any allergies to animals?
Where do you live?
Do you own or rent your residence?
Are companion animals allowed at your residence?
Where will your pet spend most of their time?
When outdoors, the pet will be
Where will the dog spend most of his/her day when you are NOT home?
Tell us about your yard
Do you have a dog/cat door?
Will anyone be home during the day?
Is the volume of traffic
Have you ever had a companion animal before?
Are your companion animals current on their vaccinations?
Are you financially able and willing to provide annual checkups, vaccinations, and ANY medical care necessary?
If you have a dog, is he/she permitted to run loose?
Are you planning on declawing?
Have you ever adopted an animal from a rescue/animal control agency?
Have you ever had an application rejected for adoption of an animal from a rescue/animal control facility?
Are you familiar with your local animal control laws?
Are you willing to sign legal pet adoption papers?
Do you agree to permit a visit to your residence by appointment?

By signing this form, I/we acknowledge that all information on this form is true and correct. I/we understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in Cheyla’s Rescue Foundation refusing adoption privileges to me/us. If my/our request for adoption is approved and later Cheyla’s Rescue Foundation discovers the above information is not true or correct, Cheyla’s Rescue Foundation reserves the right to remove the adopted cat from my residence and retake ownership of the pet.